BUMBU TOYS Calul de lupta (Steed)


SKU: BUB-6426495590491 Category: Brand: . Brand:



Our animal figurines are designed, cut and painted by hand in Romania using different varieties of Romanian hardwood. Each piece is unique and we pour a lot of love, passion and time in everything we make. We use high quality products to ensure each piece will be a worthy partner For even For the more adventurous partners in play. As a small family run business we emply local artisans ??n an effort to sustain the local economy and help preserve local craftmanship. In an effort to perfect our product and ensure our toys are as inclusive as possible we consult in our design process with a psychologist that specializes in early child development and intervention. After sanding and hand painting we use an organic oil to prevent sweat and saliva from damaging the wood.


Produsul este realizat din lemn masiv, prelucrat minimalist pentru a pastra cat mai mult din textura si proprietatile sale naturale. Spre deosebire de plastic, lemnul este un Material natural neuniform care in mod frecvent prezinta inele de crestere sau noduri, pete de culoare sau zone rugoase. Acestea NU SUNT DEFECTE si NU CONSTITUIE MOTIV DE INLOCUIRE A PRODUSULUI – ele reprezinta semne distinctive ce garanteaza originea naturala a produsului si confera unicitate fiecarei jucarii, spunand povestea copacului din care a fost facut.


Product type: Educational, Traditional, Storytelling

Minimum number of players: 1

For :Boy

years: + 3 years

Age: + 3 ani

Colors: Multicolor

Material: Maple wood

Size: 12cm x 14cm x 3cm

Developed skills: Imagination, Intelligence, Visual sense, Tactile sense, Social skills

Story / Character: Figures

Theme: Traditional

Made: Handmade

Functions: Waldorf, Learning through play, Creativity, Emotional development, Educational, Interactive, Montessori